Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry Potter News
From seeing the news, I got to know that each page of the last Harry Potter book is online in internet sites. Some people has somehow found the book and photographed each page and put it on the net. A person from Vancouver, Canada said he searched on google and found the book. It is not wise to trust this site, cause some pages might be messed and mixed. Also, the person who ever did it spoiled the fun. It is nice reading the book, but we should also go through the waiting part, there is a thrill in it. Many Potter fans are very cautious of not spoiling the book for themselves. They are really careful on what they talk to people with about the books. They don't want anyone to ruin the ending, or the plot.



Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

Hey mina:

they are just talking about this on the morning news.

It is funny because when we receive the books at the library, we receive them with very specific instructions about their release.

Some libraries were being asked to sign agreements with the publisher not to release the book, how they would handle the book,etc.

According to the news, many people are very upset that the book is on the net.


Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...


the news just said that they are not sure about the accuracy of the scanned pages.
