Thursday, July 19, 2007


Author: Nancy Krulik
Teen Fiction
The novel's story revolves around teenager's high schoo life. The boys gang up together and the girls gang up together to make each of their gender to win the Carnival Queen. Even though the boys are not friends, they all are just getting together to make the girls lose, and the same story with the girls. The story starts of with Harrison, Sam, Lily, and Carmen being friends, and them all hating Nicole, Brooke, Mary, Poppy (the popular girls at the school who make fun of others, and are rude). When Nicole made fun of Harrison's hair, and embaressed him in fron of the whole school, is when Harrison thought he should take revenge. Therfore, he took the Carival Queen as an oppotunity and started running for it, with his friends supporting him and especially Sam. However, Sam lost interest, and got caught up with other stuff, therfore she couldn't help Harrison, this makes him mad, and makes him to reveal one of Sam's secret out. This makes Sam go to Brooke's side. The fight for Carnvial Queen continues with the Girls against boys. But the person who actually won the competition is someone else, who didn't even run for the competition but sure was someone who deserves to represent all school bodies.
The book was an ok read. It wasn't boring or that much of an interesting read. However the ending was a quite a surprise, and sure taught the both teams some lessons on life and popularity.

Branch: Miliken Mills

1 comment:

Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

Hi, Mina:

This book is a bit different for you because I know that you love mysteries and suspense.

It sounds like the writer has the full picture of high school with the carnival queen competition.

Look forward to reading more from you.
