Title: Angels and Demons
Author: Dan Brown
# of pages: 608
To make matters worse, the messenger of the Illuminati has notified the Roman Catholic Church of a time bomb that has been hidden at the heart of Vatican City, prepared to detonate at midnight and destroy the world's smallest nation in size and population. With the company of Vittoria Vetra, Leonardo Vetra's adopted daughter, Langdon sets off on a journey against time that takes him across the city of Rome.
Angels and Demons is filled with adventure and suspense from the beginning to the end. The twists in the plot leave the reader baffled by the circumstances, and the large cast of characters allows for more suspense to build up as reporters in the media itch to be the first to reveal the story, Langdon and Vittoria attempt to find the culprit and the time bomb, and the Vatican Guard ponder over their decisions.
As many websites have identified, there are, however, several notable similarities between Angels and Demons and Dan Brown's other notable bestseller, The Da Vinci Code. They still had their respective differences in the plot, but perhaps it would be better if there were more.
Angels and Demons is highly recommended for anyone who enjoys reading action-packed stories, or would be interested in Roman art and architecture.
Screen Name: WaterfallOfDestiny
Branch: Angus Glen