Friday, July 20, 2007

Gossip Girls coming to t.v.


The book series, the Gossip Girls is coming to tv. I wonder will it be as successful as Gilmore Girls. By the way, Gilmore Girls also has couple of paperbacks out based on the series.


Are you going to be in line to buy HP?

It is a little more than six hours away: the midnight hour.

One of the bigger drug stores is offering the book at 40% off.

The library has over 100 copies. There are already 500 holds on the copies we have.

In each branch, there will be one or two copies that are marked fast track(they cannot be put on hold) which means that they can be borrowed for one week. They will be gone almost immediately after we open.

Get ready for HP!


Book Review - Snitch

Summer reading program book report

The book I am going to talk to you about is called SNITCH. It is about a boy named Joshua who has to deal with his anger management problem to save himself. The characters in the story are Joshua he is the main character, Andrew he is Joshua’s older brother that josh lives with, Miranda she is Andrews’ wife, Scott he use to be josh’s friend but then Scott snitched on josh so their now can identify him by his leather jacket enemy’s and the last character is Travis he is a person who is involved with gang activity you.

Josh has anger management problems so he has to go to a dog training class or an anger management class he decides to go with the dog training class. The class is supposes to help you deal with your anger in a fun and productive way towards the community. The class is supposed to help because training a dog will teach you a lot about yourself there stray dogs so it will help the dogs to.

The dog he is assigned to be Sully a dog that looks like a pit-bull. At first things go bad but as time goes on Sully and Josh build a relationship. The problem is that two of josh ‘s most hated people on Earth are in that class Travis and Scott. So it’s hard for him to concentrate on training Sully.

The climax of the story is when Scott has been beaten up and nobody knows who did it. Everybody thinks its Josh since he has had some bad history with him. The police find some leather pieces at the scene of the crime so Josh is able to prove himself innocent because Travis wears a leather jacket so he is the one who did the crime. In the end Josh completes the program successfully and Scott and josh become friends again.

by Thinesch.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Author: Nancy Krulik
Teen Fiction
The novel's story revolves around teenager's high schoo life. The boys gang up together and the girls gang up together to make each of their gender to win the Carnival Queen. Even though the boys are not friends, they all are just getting together to make the girls lose, and the same story with the girls. The story starts of with Harrison, Sam, Lily, and Carmen being friends, and them all hating Nicole, Brooke, Mary, Poppy (the popular girls at the school who make fun of others, and are rude). When Nicole made fun of Harrison's hair, and embaressed him in fron of the whole school, is when Harrison thought he should take revenge. Therfore, he took the Carival Queen as an oppotunity and started running for it, with his friends supporting him and especially Sam. However, Sam lost interest, and got caught up with other stuff, therfore she couldn't help Harrison, this makes him mad, and makes him to reveal one of Sam's secret out. This makes Sam go to Brooke's side. The fight for Carnvial Queen continues with the Girls against boys. But the person who actually won the competition is someone else, who didn't even run for the competition but sure was someone who deserves to represent all school bodies.
The book was an ok read. It wasn't boring or that much of an interesting read. However the ending was a quite a surprise, and sure taught the both teams some lessons on life and popularity.

Branch: Miliken Mills

secrets on 26th street

Title: Secrets on 26th Street
Author: Elizabeth McDacid Jones
Genre: Mystery
The story took place during 1914. Susan, (main character) is the oldest child of her family. She has two younger sisters and a widowed mother. Susan's mother has to work full time, and night shifts to have enough money for the family. They are 4 months late on rent. To help make more money, her family invites a boarder Bea to stay with them. Susan really like Bea, they share a lot of secrets with each other, Susan believes that they both have a special relationship with one and other. As the story continues, Susan disguises herself as a boy and works at a barbershop to earn some money for the family. At once, when she was going to work, she saw Bea talking to a rich society woman, and Susan's mean and rude landload. Susan started to be curious. And later one day Susan's mother and Bea had an argument. After a few days, Susan's mother disappeared. Susan got worried and started searching for her mother, and followed Bea one day. The story continues on finding Susan's mom, finding about who Bea really is, and some more hidden secrets.

I liked the book. The book made me not to put it down. I was very anxious to find out what happened to Susan's mother, and who Bea is. If any of you likes mystery/suspense genre books, then this will be a good one.

Branch: Miliken Mills


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Parties Cancelled at TC, UL and AG


We were hoping to have a get together at the branches for the bloggers.

Due to lack of interest, these events have been cancelled at: Angus Glen, Unionville and Thornhill.



Acceleration by Graham McNamee

I actually read this one last summer. Category; mystery, thriller

Duncan works for the TTC as a summer student. His job is in the Lost Articles Department. While working there, he comes across a journal lost by a man that contains information which is extremely frightening. The journal depicts crimes that are beyond scary.

Follow Duncan as he tries to catch the man, he calls "Roach."

This book is highly acclaimed by students and teachers. Some readers thought it was a little slow starting but i found the ending very fast paced.

A definite read if you like a mystery or thriller.

Angus Glen

Survivor Game - Book Reviews

Angus Glen - 2 Book reviews - at the moment, Angus is winning.

where are Milliken, Markham Village and Thornhill branches?


P.s. If you do a review, please put the tag, book review in the labels.

Harry Potter News
From seeing the news, I got to know that each page of the last Harry Potter book is online in internet sites. Some people has somehow found the book and photographed each page and put it on the net. A person from Vancouver, Canada said he searched on google and found the book. It is not wise to trust this site, cause some pages might be messed and mixed. Also, the person who ever did it spoiled the fun. It is nice reading the book, but we should also go through the waiting part, there is a thrill in it. Many Potter fans are very cautious of not spoiling the book for themselves. They are really careful on what they talk to people with about the books. They don't want anyone to ruin the ending, or the plot.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Next volunteer workshop in October


We are constantly asked when our next volunteer workshop is happening.

At Angus Glen, it will be the middle of October. Registration starts after school begins, in September.

by the way, we have more than enough volunteers for the summer but if you are planning for the fall, keep the date in mind.

Milliken Mills and Unionville run these workshops as well.


Hot Topics


Our staff are constantly doing Hot Topics, all year long that we think are of interest to our customers.

Is there something you would like to see as a hot topic? I am always looking for ideas.

Here is the link for the hot topic archive:

there is one for scholarship information.


Hot Topics


Our staff are constantly doing Hot Topics, all year long that we think are of interest to our customers.

Is there something you would like to see as a hot topic? I am always looking for ideas.

Here is the link for the hot topic archive:

there is one for scholarship information.


New items, new items and more new items

Hey you guys!

Just a reminder that we are constantly getting new items, every week.

I had so many new items, last week, I made a display upstairs and downstairs at Angus.

If there is ever anything you are looking for, phone us or email: I am happy to help you find what you need.


Net Library - Online Database - Graphic Novels

Our Online Database - Net Library - has graphic novels online.

Go to our website:

Then to our online databases, and sign in using your library card.

Once there, double click on Net Library. It may ask you to create an account. the icon is located on the top right of the screen.

Once you create this account, you can access net library through the web.

The other great thing about this database is that it has many of the Shakespeare plays and notes online.

Many of the classic books are also online.

If you have any questions about this database, let me know.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter is coming to MPL on July 21, 2007

Place hold.

This is it. We are coming to the end of the Potter saga. How do you think it will end? Do you have an idea on the perfect ending?
Share your imagination and the most creative ending will win a prize.

Mine is "...lightning flashes, as Harry collapsed to the floor. Tendrils of smoke arose from his body. His face was deathly white and his eyes shut. Hermione stood over him, her smoking wand tightly clasped in her hand and sobbed. The end."

AKA Susan of Unionville