Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter is coming to MPL on July 21, 2007

Place hold.

This is it. We are coming to the end of the Potter saga. How do you think it will end? Do you have an idea on the perfect ending?
Share your imagination and the most creative ending will win a prize.

Mine is "...lightning flashes, as Harry collapsed to the floor. Tendrils of smoke arose from his body. His face was deathly white and his eyes shut. Hermione stood over him, her smoking wand tightly clasped in her hand and sobbed. The end."

AKA Susan of Unionville


Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

Deadline for posting the ending is July 21, 2007.


Mina said...

Do we have to post the ending at blog or send it through email?

Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...


Post your ending on the blog, please. I think that is what Susan wanted.
