Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Favourite Movie

The American Film Institute picks the top 100 movies of all time.

They have a few neat features on this site: 100 top laughs, thrill, stars, etc. Check it out for movie trivia.

What is your favourite?

catherine g.


Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

My favourite move would have to be the Harry Potter movies. Yeah i'm a HP fan and love the books and movies, but lately there are other good moves such as Pirates of the Carribean and Lord of the Rings,I like action packed movies but from time to time i do watch "other" moves, like Shreak and things like The Da Vinchi Code!

Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

Lisa is one of our newest volunteers.

Yes, Lisa you are not alone. HP will probably be one of the most popular movies ever. I don't think anybody would disagree with any of your choices.

Let us know about the new HP!
