Monday, July 2, 2007

What technology do you use everyday?

and what do you no longer use?

My kids rarely use the phone anymore and rarely read the newspaper.

How do you talk and keep in touch with your friends?

Catherine g.


Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

I use my computer a lot! I'm either searching something on google or chatinng with friend on MSN.I agree with Cathrine, kids and teens are not really reading or watching the news, in my house i ocasoinally watch the news but my main reason would be the weather (to plan outings with family and friends), but my younger brother and sister are even on the computer mostly- playing games like on Neopets. i try to get them to read from time to time but they say " the computers better"! i think teens should make more of an effort to hear the news now-a-days, it's important to know whats going on around the world and you local community!

Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

Hi, Lisa:

I find that in Richmond Hill and Markham, everyone is so spread out, MSN is a good answer to that problem.

your brother and sister will see the value of the computer for things other than gaming when they have to for school. They will be lucky to have you as someone who can help them with their projects.

I also think the news is important but like the library, if the news stations and the libraries do not keep up, we are going to lose interested people like yourself.
I keep talking about this all the time.

some people do very little for teens during the summer because they think teens are not interested.

Do you have ideas for programs that we could get in that you and your friends would be interested in?


Mina said...

Of course the answer to how I keep in touch with my friends is MSN. I VERY rarely use the phone to talk to my friends. Especially for the reason, that i don't like talking on the phone.I use the computer for checking news in CITY TV, watching movies, listening to music, playing games, using MSN and checking on other entertainment news. Like other teens, I am not on MSN as much as most of the other teens. Like Lisa, I always watch TV at mornings and evenings to see the news. I am interested in finding out whats happening around the world, and I like to keep myself updated. I am like one of those Breakfast Television fans, I watch BT every morning. I just miss a few shows. Sometimes my older sister watches the news, but as Lisa she mostly check for the weather news, since she has work and she needs the weather on how to dress. But none of my other siblings never watches the news. Especially my older brother, he nevers ons the Tv to see news, like NEVER. I think they all need to atleast get an idea on whats happening cause it will have an effect in the present and their future.