Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Chatting and texting

my son was playing something on DS when my daughter's boyfriend started sending him online messages. I thought this was a neat feature because he used to call his friends to meet him online, then as technology advanced you could see who was playing when you started the game.

At the library, we are hoping to start down the road doing reference through instant messaging. We are trying meebo with some of the staff. Unfortunately, it is not working all that well. Some of the people are older and are not getting the idea.

What im service do you use? Do you chat more than you text?

catherine g.


Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

Personally I do chat more than i text. I'm on MSN a lot at home and even use it when i come to the library when I have free time. I thinki it's a good way to talk to friends online. I think it's a GREAT IDEA of using in the libray!:D

Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

I tend to chat more than text, because it costs more money to text. I use MSN a lot, and my friends are usually on MSN when i want to talk to them. I think that its a good idea for the library.

Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

Hey LIsa and Claudia,

I will mention it to the Internet committee, again.

I am like you Claudia, texting is great but can add up quickly without an unlimited plan.


Mina said...

Me too, i only chat. Whenever i need to talk to my friends, i use MSN. I think its a great idea for the library to bring MSN use, because not only for the entertainment, but when students are at the library doing hw, or working on projects, and they need help they could talk to their friends and classmates for help.

Markham Public Libraries Teen Staff said...

Hi Mina:

I will speak to the Internet Committee. I am not sure if they don't meet until fall but I will raise MSN again.
